Hire Blockchain Developers

Rick Douglas
Chief Editor
12 January 2023 Updated on  Обновлено   13 Jan 2024

Have a project that needs a blockchain developer? We will provide one for you! Our blockchain specialists have extensive experience in creating P2P payment systems and decentralized applications (dApps). They are able not only to use common blockchain platforms, but also to develop them from scratch.

Recommended blockchain developers are ready to participate in all stages of creating your blockchain platform or dApp. In addition, they will ensure proper security and scalability.

Hiring a team of blockchain technology specialists is a way to save on the services of a recruitment agency and reduce the time from the start of development to the implementation of a project and changing its status to ‘in the public domain.’

Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Mich R. , Middle Blockchain Developer
  • Haskell
  • Simplicity
  • Solidity
Development experience: 3 years. Knows popular programming languages for writing smart contracts. Able to create both simple token contracts and complex contracts for platforms where they will become the basis of functioning.
Hire Developer
Paul H. , Middle Blockchain Developer
  • C++
  • Java
  • Truffle Suite
Development experience: 5 years. Programs in high-level languages. Can scale distributed networks. Able to create decentralized applications as well as mobile and web apps that interact with a blockchain.
Hire Developer
Deris M. , Senior Blockchain Engineer
  • C++
  • Erlang
  • Java
  • Python
  • Scala
Development experience: 7 years. Knows OOP, understands cryptographic algorithms. Can design a full-fledged infrastructure for blockchain networks and ensure their security. Created high-performance distributed networks and private blockchains for corporate use.
Hire Developer

Blockchain: brief overview

Blockchain is a continuously replenishing chain of records in the form of blocks, each containing a hash of the previous link, a timestamp, and transaction data. Its advantages are transparency of transactions, confidentiality of participants, decentralization, and cryptography.

To put it simply, a blockchain is a system for recording information in such a way that it can’t be changed, replaced, or deleted. This digital ledger is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of participants and their devices. Each block in the chain contains a certain number of transactions, and each time a validated transaction is included in the next block, a record of it is automatically added to the ledger of each participant in the network.

To be more precise, a blockchain is a type of distributed ledger in which transactions are recorded with an immutable cryptographic signature called a hash. So, for example, if one block in the chain was forcibly changed, it would be immediately obvious to everyone that it was forged.

Blockchain technology refers to DLT and solves security and trust issues due to the fact that new blocks are stored linearly, always in chronological order. Once another block has been added to the end of a chain, it’s very difficult to go back and change its contents. And in general, it’s impossible, as each block contains its own hash together with the hash of the previous block. And thanks to the consensus algorithm, a chain can’t have several parallel branches at the same time.

Blockchain is useful for business because it improves processes both within and between companies. It greatly reduces the ‘cost of trust.’ In practice, it can be applied in many fields of activity, for example: financial services, trade, logistics, healthcare.

Blockchain development rates

Developing a full-fledged blockchain from scratch
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Creating a dApp using a third-party platform
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Developing a sidechain or off-chain for a running platform
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Creating a dApp using a high-level language
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Developing a decentralized service
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Writing a smart contract in Solidity language
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Scaling a blockchain network
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Building an interface to interact with a blockchain
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Maintaining a blockchain infrastructure
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Creating blockchain management modules
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Developing a private distributed ledger
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)

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