Blockchain Development Services

We develop efficient and secure blockchain apps: cryptocurrency exchanges and P2P platforms, crypto wallets, smart contracts, dApps and DeFi. We issue cryptocurrencies and conduct security audits of blockchain projects.

We thoroughly analyse and work out the requirements before starting work, develop an MVP of a blockchain app in the shortest possible time, and lay the possibility of scaling. We can work with a high load, up to 20,000 RPS and above.

We listen and hear our customers, meet deadlines, as well as offer optimal solutions for the tasks and goals set.

In an ever-evolving world where innovation is shaping industries and driving businesses forward, harnessing the power of technology has become a necessity. If you want not only to adapt to changes, but also to lead them, then welcome to the age of blockchain. Let’s tell you what this technology is, how it can improve your business and make you a leader in a rapidly changing world.

The essence of blockchain technology

Blockchain is an innovative system for storing and transmitting information in the form of a chain of sequential blocks containing records of transactions. The blocks are included in a single database, which is automatically updated with each new transaction. This database runs simultaneously on thousands of computers—nodes—so that each of them always has up-to-date information. This achieves decentralization, where everything works without a ‘main server.’

The basic principle of blockchain is transparency of all operations. Each participant can view any transaction at any time, and no one can change or delete them. Each block of this ledger contains information about the previous block. Therefore, it is impossible to change information in an individual block ‘retroactively,’ as it will affect all previous blocks up to the first, genesis block.

At the stage of its emergence, the technology was only used for cryptocurrencies, and a little later it began to be used by shrewd banks. And today, the new system is penetrating even deeper into our lives. Platforms for blockchain development of business apps can monitor copyright compliance, product manufacturing processes and its compliance with declared standards, not to mention any financial operations.

Benefits of implementing blockchain solutions

The introduction of blockchain technology is a strategic decision that can take your business to unprecedented heights. By leveraging its capabilities, you don’t just optimize processes, but modernise them, as well as increase security and transparency. Here’s a brief list of the benefits that await you:

  • Increased security. Decentralization together with cryptography provide the highest level of security, protecting your data from unauthorised access and forgery.
  • Increased transparency. A distributed ledger provides transparency across the entire network, strengthening the trust of stakeholders.
  • Data integrity. Immutable records ensure data integrity, making it a trusted source.
  • Optimized processes. Smart contracts automate processes, reducing the need for intermediaries and speeding up transactions.
  • Cost efficiency. Eliminating intermediaries, reducing errors, and automating tasks results in savings in the long run.
  • Innovation opportunities. By adopting blockchain, you open doors to innovative business models and revenue streams that will set you apart in the market.
  • Customer trust. Using financial technology enhances your brand’s credibility and builds customer trust.

Implementing blockchain into your business is not just an upgrade, but a transformation. Every advantage will find its way into your company, ultimately shaping a more competitive future. As an experienced team, we strive to leverage these advantages to develop unique blockchain solutions that meet our customers’ business goals.

Blockchain app development services

Blockchain development services

Blockchain development requires not only knowledge of programming languages, but also a deep understanding of the principles of decentralized apps and cryptography. The path from concept to its implementation can be very difficult. This is where professional blockchain developers come to the rescue, who can not only simplify this path, but also maximise the benefits for your company.

Netside has been developing blockchain apps for businesses for 4 years. Contact us and we will help you create your own cryptocurrency, crypto wallet, or crypto exchange!

Cryptocurrency creation

Cryptocurrencies fall into two categories: coins based on their own blockchain, and tokens that run on third-party blockchains. Stablecoins, which are backed by assets and pegged to their value, refer to tokens.

To develop a coin, we take the actual source code, make the necessary changes to it, and compile it. Typically, development consists of the following stages:

  1. Writing the terms of reference.
  2. Compiling the coin kernel and wallet for Windows and Linux.
  3. Deploying full nodes.
  4. Creating a block browser and mining pool.
  5. Developing web and mobile wallets.

To develop a token, we create a smart contract and deploy it in an existing blockchain. The most popular platforms for issuing token:

  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • Polygon
  • TRON.

Crypto wallet development

A cryptocurrency wallet is an application or program that makes it possible to interact with a blockchain: check balances, view transaction history, receive and send transfers. The latter refers to the transfer of rights to cryptocurrency from one user to another, because in reality it is always in the blockchain and simply changes ownership.

A crypto wallet is similar to a bank account, only designed for cryptocurrency transactions. It shows how many coins you have at your address, where they were received from, where they were sent to. Multicurrency wallets display the exchange rate of coins to other cryptocurrencies and allow you to exchange them.

We develop the main types of crypto wallets:

  • Custodial and non-custodial
  • Web, mobile, and desktop.

Development of cryptocurrency exchanges and P2P platforms

A cryptocurrency exchange is a trading platform where coins, tokens, and stablecoins are sold, bought, and exchanged. It brings buyers and sellers together, ensuring the reliability of deals. The crypto exchange operates on a trading engine that checks the placed orders for asset security, keeps records in an order book, and prepares data for display in a web or mobile app.

A P2P platform is a service where buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies interact directly, without the mediation of a third party. It only matches ads, pre-checks and rates their creators, as well as provides escrow accounts. Unlike crypto exchanges, where there are strict rules and requirements, P2P platforms are more loyal to users.

We develop cryptocurrency exchanges and P2P platforms from scratch, as well as introduce additional sections and products into existing services:

  • Portfolio for crypto assets
  • Launchpad for crypto projects
  • Native token and stablecoin
  • Referral programme.

Smart contract development

Smart contracts are used for those activities where automatic fulfilment of obligations by the parties is possible without human involvement and evaluation. A smart contract independently monitors whether certain conditions specified in it have been fully fulfilled. And the protection of its code from interference is provided by blockchain technology. That is, no intruder will be able to change the lines of code — the terms of the contract concluded by the two parties.

Decentralized apps are created on the basis of smart contracts. Smart contracts together with blockchain ensure the fulfilment of obligations on cryptocurrency products, make them reliable, and provide a secure payment system for cryptocurrencies.

We develop smart contracts that are used for:

  • Issuance of tokens and algorithmic stablecoins
  • Oracles and prediction markets
  • Staking and farming
  • Decentralized exchanges and automated market makers.

DeFi project development

Decentralized finance was first referred to as analogues of traditional financial instruments that are implemented in a decentralized architecture. Now they have grown into a publicly accessible ecosystem consisting of decentralized apps on blockchains.

The goal of DeFi is to create a financial system that is open to everyone and doesn’t require trust from users, as well as to promote the principle of self-sufficiency. Conservatives consider this principle as a flaw, but it is accustomed to taking responsibility for DeFi investments.

Here are the popular types of DeFi apps we develop:

  • Algorithmic stablecoins
  • Decentralized exchanges
  • Decentralized autonomous organizations
  • Liquidity pools
  • DeFi lending platforms
  • DeFi insurance platforms.

Security audits

Compliance with high security standards and resistance to DDoS attacks is a cornerstone of blockchain services. There have already been hundreds of cases where attackers either permanently disabled services or stole coins worth millions of US dollars.

If you operate a blockchain service, then security is the first thing you need to take care of. We will audit your service, identify vulnerabilities, and help you protect them.

The cost of blockchain projects

Customers often ask us how much it will cost to develop a project using blockchain, and usually their entire project description fits into a couple of paragraphs. Of course, it is impossible to estimate the cost of project development based on such little information. But we can give approximate guidelines for the cost of blockchain projects:

Creating and issuing cryptocurrency (coin/token) Starts at $50,000
Developing a crypto wallet Starts at $25,000
Developing a crypto exchange Starts at $65,000
Developing a P2P platform Starts at $50,000
Developing a smart contract Starts at $10,000

The exact cost of the project can be calculated if we make detailed terms of reference. Within its framework, we would already be able to estimate the number of hours that will be required to develop a blockchain project, and to calculate the total cost by multiplying the number of hours by the rate. The average rate of blockchain developers is $50–70 per hour, but in some cases it can reach $100.

Rick Douglas
Chief Editor
2 February 2023 Updated on  Обновлено   7 September 2023

Service Testimonials

When we planned to launch our token, we initially understood that influencers would be a key part of our promotion strategy. Therefore, we turned to Netside for help. Their team has extensive industry experience and a deep understanding of how to effectively reach our target audience through partnerships with LOMs. They were able to identify and attract bloggers with huge audiences and the campaign was a huge success. I highly recommend Netside to anyone who wants to harness the power of influencers in the crypto space.

Alex Dane
Finrex Token


Crone Coin Case Study

Fintech Application Development

Development of the Crone Coin cryptocurrency with its own blockchain, a JSON-RPC management interface for interacting with the main platform.

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