Hire Android Developers

Rick Douglas
Chief Editor
15 January 2023 Updated on  Обновлено   13 Jan 2024

Do you have a project for which you need to find an Android developer? We will provide you with one or even with an entire development team! Netside has accumulated a pool of experts with the required programming skills and solid experience in the development of Android mobile apps.

Developers we recommend have teamwork skills, understand terms of reference and documentation, navigate other people’s code, and can eliminate errors. They are ready to participate in all stages of your project, providing functionality and optimisation. And if you need it, they will continue the maintenance of an application after its launch.

Hiring an already formed team of Android developers is a way to cut costs on services of an HR agency and to reduce the time from the start of the development to the project implementation and changing its status to ‘the project available to the public.’

Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Leon B. , Middle Android Developer
  • AndroidStudio
  • C++
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • NDK
  • RxJava
  • SDK
Development experience: 4 years. Applies RxJava and practises Material Design. Correctly approaches workflow. Has experience working with high-load projects, understands essential design patterns of an application with a vast reach.
Hire Developer
Tray S. , Middle Android Developer
  • AndroidStudio
  • C#
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • NDK
  • RxJava
  • SDK
Development experience: 5 years. All these years involved in Android development. Works with client-server applications. Knows and applies such libraries as RxJava 2, Dagger 2, and Moxy. Has command of technical English.
Hire Developer
Arnold P. , Senior Android Developer
  • AndroidStudio
  • C#
  • C++
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • NDK
  • RxJava
  • SDK
Development experience: 8 years. Practises concurrent programming. Perfect in Java and Kotlin. Understands pros and cons of various design patterns and architectural approaches. Has command of technical English.
Hire Developer

Android developer’s expertise

The development of Android apps is a process of creating applications for Android devices. Most smartphones, tablets, wristwatches, fitness trackers, and e-books run on this OS even if they are not produced by Google.

According to statistics, over 60% of all server connections worldwide come from mobile devices, which makes their priority higher in terms of business when compared to tablets and computers. 32% of them are Android devices.

To create applications, Android developers use the following programming languages:

  1. Java is the front-and-centre programming language, some people even hold it to be the official Android language. It is Java that is used for documentation and courses for Android developers.
  2. Kotlin is one of the youngest languages but it has already become popular and proved itself. Google pegs it as the second official language for creating Android apps.
  3. C++ and C are also a good fit for native code. They are applied quite often.
  4. Python and C# are used sometimes as well but a bit more rarely.

The most popular integrated development environment for Android apps is Google’s Android Studio. This environment is based on the IntelliJ IDEA software.

After the development, the substantial part of the work is to add an application to Google Play. You can learn more about this final stage in another article.

Almost every online business needs mobile apps. In a corporate environment, using mobile devices increases workflow efficiency.

The development of an Android application is an essential process if you need to release a product both for clients and internal company use.

Price list for Android development services

Development of an Android app. Standard and for business.
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Creation of an Android game by the Netside developers
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Development of an app or a game tailored for Android tablets
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Creation of any app for watches on Android
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)
Testing and debugging of an Android app
Hourly Rate: Час работы: 50 USD (45 EUR)

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